The object in mixing these fruits is to save the necessity of buying a number of small packages of each variety.

Time is thereby saved the grocer in serving and the housewife in using.
The pantry is tidier and a considerable amount of waste is prevented.
Should the contents of this pack become too dry pour boiling water over what is required before using.

The contents of this packet are ready for use. In all kinds of milk, suet, and steamed puddings, cakes etc. and wherever currants, raisins or lemon peel are usually required
Several table-spoonsful of the mixture in apple pies or milk puddings is appreciated by children.
Added to porridge or breakfast foods it improves the food value as well as the taste
Packed by
Ardmona, Victoria, Australia
I believe that this was invented by my grandfather, Mr Frank Pullar Senior, and that he was told that it was a silly idea since nobody else was making such a product.
I never saw packets of these in grocery stores. I only saw some of the remaining packets in a shed on his orchard.
Grocery stores sold similar packets of mixed dried fruits produced by other manufacturers.